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135 videos, 0 audios, 0 presentations
Knowing where they are going
Patricia Broadfoot discusses the importance of setting learning objectives.
Seeing the whole child as a learner
Why don't we assess across a broad curriculum and acknowledge that learning is complex and uneven?
Continuity in children's learning - laying the crazy paving
What is the starting point in planning learning?
Governors, finance and music service provision
Governors appreciate what children achieve and are prepared to finance.
Context for working with a music service
Providing opportunities to learn music and visit professional music concerts.
Liaison between music lead and visiting teachers
Half termly, the music lead should meet with visiting teachers evolving plans
OFSTED, the 2019 framework and music
Opportunities are offered by the framework to include music in your intent.
Music hubs and their wider offer
Engaging with a music hub enables music opportunities in & beyond school
Music provision and primary school finance
The financial implication especially as class teachers join in.
Headteachers and music services
Effective specialists enrich provision, heads should monitor delivery.
Music service input assists the gifted and talented
Identifying those with an aptitude and providing suitable support.
Music service input to educate the whole child
Music benefits diverse needs, those vulnerable and low with self-esteem.
Music service input creating wider opportunities
Promoting opportunities to perform in school and beyond.
OFSTED, Deep Dives and Music.
Ensuring children understand their learning in Music with watertight links.
Intent, a curriculum map suitable for OFSTED
The whole curriculum needs to be respected. Intent for Music.
Learning brass instruments, transferrable skills
KS2 sometimes change instruments as skills evolve. This is encouraged.
Learning brass instruments in KS2.
Whole class teaching to take first steps with a brass instrument.
Y4 brass lesson reflections from teacher.
A specialist visiting teacher on a lesson for brass novices
Y4 sing 'Three Little Birds' for dynamic plenary
Singing at end of brass lesson to internalise piano and forte.
Vocal Starters. 'Old King Kong' commentary
Vocal specialist explains rationale behind using this expressive song
Vocal Starters. 'My Name is Joe' commentary
Vocal specialist explains rationale behind this kinaesthetic vocal starter.
Peter & The Wolf. Planning
The teacher explains the planning around a Y4 module on Peter & The Wolf.
Peter & The Wolf. Feedback: The Characters
Children's groups feedback to class on chants they have created.
Performing rhythmic motifs: next steps
The teacher is to develop musical understanding based on one song.
Performance concentrating on rhythm
Using a simple tune and lyric, children explore tempo and feel pulse.
Listen & Appraise Starter Develops
Listening to an organ piece, children recap their knowledge of tempo.
Listen & Appraise Starter
Encouraging listening children identify instruments in Baroque style piece.

Music and academic attainment
An interview with Professor Martin Fautley discussing the wider academic benefits of Music following the publication ...

Is Music under threat in secondary schools?
An interview with Professor Martin Fautley that presents evidence on an emerging decline of curriculum time and teach...
Wider Opportunities, WCIT, WCET or First Access?
This Head of Service offers a view on whole class teaching for schools defined as "Teaching music through the conduit...
10 Top Tips for Whole Class Teaching
This Head of Service offers some advice for teachers working with whole classes.
Student Experience
These students recount their experiences working with a visiting specialist teacher.
Peer Learning and Individuality
This student speaks eloquently about her experiences in music through peer learning but also as an individual.
Cultivating Extracurricular Music
This student recounts her experience in participating in the extracurricular offer at the school.
Embedding Music in the School
These students recount their experiences learning music in school. Their intrinsic motivation comes from enjoyment bu...
Cross Curricular Links
These pupils describe some of their experiences learning music in a whole class setting and the useful cross curricul...
Communication with Parents
This experienced teacher discusses the importance of communication with parents.
Effective string crossing
In this advanced group violin lesson, the teacher breaks the difficulty of 'string crossing' into smaller component p...
Student Perspective
This student recounts his experiences and motivations of learning music at school.
WCIT: Pupils Perspective
These children comment on the experience of learning through whole class teaching supported by the local music service.
Y8 Lesson: Pupil Commentary
These pupils describe their experience of a song writing lesson recorded earlier that day. Despite the variance in in...
Setting Expectations
This experienced teacher discusses her approach to setting expectations for her pupils in a Suzuki violin lesson.
Suzuki Method - Transferable Pedagogy
This experienced Suzuki teacher discusses her approach to developing advanced string technique.
The 'Shop Face' of the School
This experienced Head of Music discusses the role of the modern music teacher, complete with the expectations of extr...
Transferable Skills
This Head of Music discusses the breadth of transferable skills he observes being developed in his students through m...
Supporting School Performances
This teacher discusses the value of having a visiting team of peripatetic teachers. The support for school performanc...
Capacity Building 2
This teacher discusses her relationship with the local music service, the developing capacity and the inclusive offer...
A Professional Relationship with Students
This teacher discusses her approaches to extracurricular music and the emerging deepening relationships that are form...
Composition: The Role of the Teacher
This teacher discusses the importance of her role in offering feedback, responding to ideas and encouraging students ...
The Whole Child
This Head of Music acknowledges the importance of music for developing the whole child.
Links with Primary Schools
This secondary Head of Music briefly discusses the importance of making links with surrounding primary schools.
Music in a Multi Faith School
This Head of Music discusses how music has been used to develop the whole school ethos.
Music and the Islamic Faith
This Head of Music discusses her experiences working in a large secondary school.
Formative Assessment
This Head of Music discusses her approach to formative assessment in Music. Pupil self-assessment and the use of iPad...
Capacity Building
This Head of Music discusses her experience working with the local music service to build capacity in the department.
Music and the Wider Community
This experienced Headteacher outlines a view on performances in the primary school.
SMSC and Ofsted
An experienced Headteacher in a large faith school discusses the SMSC outcomes through a wider curriculum inclusive o...
A Broad and Balanced Curriculum
An experienced Headteacher in a faith school discusses the facilitating conditions necessary to embed excellent music...
Advice for NQT
This experienced teacher discusses her approach to communication with peripatetic staff in a busy department and offe...
Facilitating Creativity
This teacher talks us through her approach to her role in the context of her Y9 composition lesson.
A Broad and Balanced Curriculum
This experienced secondary school headteacher discusses the need for music to be part of a breadth of experience for ...
Music and School Improvement
This experienced primary school Headteacher discusses the impact music has had on school improvement and attainment.
A Primary Head's View
This experienced primary school Headteacher discusses the impact Musical learning has had on his school, curriculum a...
Music and School Ethos
This experienced secondary school Headteacher discusses the impact music has had on the school and the community whil...
Relationship with Schools
This experienced teacher discusses aspects of the relationship between the school and the visiting instrumental teach...
Teaching WCIT
This teacher discusses the pedagogy, content, challenges and solutions of whole class teaching.
Professional Development for Instrumental Teachers
The emerging professional development needs of staff are addressed by Music Services and Hubs.
Building Relationships
For Instrumental teachers, the need to develop relationships with individual schools and colleagues is strong.
Singing and the Vocal Teacher
This experienced teachers discusses his approach to singing from the starting point that everyone can sing.
Singing for the Non-Specialist
Instrumental teachers are now using their voice more and more in whole class teaching.
Expectations in WCIT
This teacher discusses her experience of teaching whole class instrumental music.
Importance of Performance
This teacher describes the impact performances have had on the school ethos, community and progress of pupils.
CPD: Instrumental Teachers
This instrumental teacher discusses the support structures available within a music service. Training and CPD are imp...
Playing Other Instruments
This instrumental brass teacher acknowledges the importance of playing and modelling other brass instruments.
Developing Musical Context
Specialist instrumental teachers demonstrate detailed knowledge of the instrument they play.
Preparing the Breath
In this advanced trumpet lesson, the teacher takes the student through a warm up which will be later linked to the ma...
Modelling the Music
In this intermediate clarinet lesson, the teacher models her musical expectations by performing to the student.
Engaging Boys in Singing
These Whole Class Instrumental Teachers have brought all three year groups to the hall for a larger singing lesson.
KS2 Part Singing
These Whole Class Instrumental Teachers have brought all three year groups to the hall for a larger singing lesson.
Developing a Primary Choir
These Whole Class Instrumental Teachers have brought all three year groups to the hall for a larger singing lesson.
When Confidence Grows…
This gospel medley includes When the Saints, Swing Low Sweet Chariot and Sing Sing Sing. This is explored at a differ...
Extending Range
After working on these partner songs, this experienced vocal teacher uses simple key change to migrate the pitch upwa...
Assessing a Creative Process
The current lead Ofsted HMI for Music, Robin Hammerton writes: "Firstly, pupils’ progress in creating and understandi...
Technology & Composition
This teacher utilises the capabilities of Logic for this Y8 composition lesson.
Focused Listening
This classroom practitioner uses Saint Saen’s Carnival of the animals to scaffold a composition lesson.
Musical Elements Starter
This classroom practitioner uses whiteboards to recap the musical elements.
Building Confidence and Participation
This classroom practitioner is in the early stages of building a school choir.
Extended Rhythm game
See Rhythm Game for the first stage of this learning game. In this short clip the teacher extends the level of challe...
Rhythm Game
This Rhythm game is an excellent assessment for learning tool. The teacher can see visually if the class are beginnin...
Understanding Duration
This teacher questions the class on note lengths relative to the piece they have just played.
Stages - Listen Sing Play
Often in whole class teaching, we are required to teach with a more staged approach than we would in small group less...
Contextual Learning
Whole class lessons provide an excellent opportunity for children to learn the context of pieces they will begin to l...
Choice and Musicality
In this lesson the teacher offers the children a opportunity to suggest their own musical interpretation for performa...
Aural and Notation
The musical learning in this example explores a mix of aural and notation based strategies to ensure every child can ...
Performance: Whole Class Guitar
This clip demonstrates the possible outcomes from a Year 4 guitar group.
Developing Part Playing
This teacher explores body percussion in parts to secure understanding of the rhythmic elements and to internalise th...
Linking Activities for Learning
Prior to learning the piece of guitar music the class will study, this teacher leads a body percussion piece that inc...
WCIT and the Curriculum
Whole class teaching, when taught well, includes a variety of activity and opportunity to develop and discover musica...
Preparing for Down Time
In this example the instrumental specialist teacher must tune 30 instruments.
Whole Class Set Up: Guitar
Whole class teaching is a partnership between the school and the visiting music teachers.
Language Acquisition
In this short extract from a music lesson the teacher explores singing with a traditional African song.
Using Charanga Musically
The charanga musical school resource offers great choice in repertoire but must always be supported with specialist k...
Classroom Assessment Method
This teacher's assessment model is measured in statements constructed with the beginning "I can". The approach is to ...