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157 videos, 0 audios, 0 presentations
Characteristics of Effective Learning
This teacher talks about the characteristics, playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critic...
What is the place of rote learning
Mick Waters considers the place of rote learning in education and its strengths and limitations.
Continuity in children's learning - laying the crazy paving
What is the starting point in planning learning?
Learning from mistakes
Less focussed on outcomes than process, this teacher believes that learning from mistakes helps to build resilience a...
Music service input assists the gifted and talented
Identifying those with an aptitude and providing suitable support.
Learning brass instruments, transferrable skills
KS2 sometimes change instruments as skills evolve. This is encouraged.
Y5 introduction emphasising reading music
Using a simple tune, these young players concentrate on reading the music.
Staves and instrument management in KS2
Revising notation finger game manages distribution of instruments in year 5.
Learning brass instruments in KS2.
Whole class teaching to take first steps with a brass instrument.
Y4 brass lesson reflections from teacher.
A specialist visiting teacher on a lesson for brass novices
Y4 sing 'Three Little Birds' for dynamic plenary
Singing at end of brass lesson to internalise piano and forte.
Y4 whole class brass develop their performance of 'Call Me'
Managing a mini plenary, homework and packing instruments away.
Y4 whole class brass, exploring different dynamics
Playing 'piano' and 'forte'. Crescendo is played too.
Vocal Starters. 'Three Bears' Commentary.
Vocal specialist explains this song can be taught effectively to all ages.
Vocal Starters. 'Old King Kong' commentary
Vocal specialist explains rationale behind using this expressive song
Vocal Starters. 'Old King Kong'
Encouraging participation requiring strong vocal line from children.
Vocal Starters. 'My Name is Joe' commentary
Vocal specialist explains rationale behind this kinaesthetic vocal starter.
Vocal Starters. 'My Name is Joe'
Listening and joining in to a catch-on song with increasing complexity.
A vocal specialist on teaching vocal starters
Vocal specialist makes the case for teaching vocal starters.
Vocal Starters. 'Give Me Five' commentary
Vocal specialist explains rationale behind 'Give Me 5' vocal starter.
Vocal Starters. 'Give Me Five'
Children respond to teacher actions like 'Give Me 5', Give Me 10, Low 10...
Vocal Starters. 'Have you brought' commentary
Vocal specialist explains the rationale behind 'Have you brought your voice?
Vocal Starters. Have you brought your voice?
Children are encouraged to respond to a question in contrasting voices.
Peter & The Wolf. Planning
The teacher explains the planning around a Y4 module on Peter & The Wolf.
Peter & The Wolf. Performing chants.
Children, conducted by the teacher, perform chants as a whole class.
Peter & The Wolf. Feedback: The Characters
Children's groups feedback to class on chants they have created.
Peter & The Wolf. Creating Characters
Inspired by the music, children create chants for each character.
Performing rhythmic motifs: next steps
The teacher is to develop musical understanding based on one song.
Performance concentrating on rhythm
Using a simple tune and lyric, children explore tempo and feel pulse.
Listen & Appraise Starter Develops
Listening to an organ piece, children recap their knowledge of tempo.
Listen & Appraise Starter
Encouraging listening children identify instruments in Baroque style piece.

Is Music under threat in secondary schools?
An interview with Professor Martin Fautley that presents evidence on an emerging decline of curriculum time and teach...
Peer Learning and Individuality
This student speaks eloquently about her experiences in music through peer learning but also as an individual.
Cultivating Extracurricular Music
This student recounts her experience in participating in the extracurricular offer at the school.
Student Perspective
This student recounts his experiences and motivations of learning music at school.
Performance for Learning
In this short video, the group perform part of Corelli's "La Folia" to begin the lesson.
Understanding Simple Devices
This teacher comments on the need for her Y7 class to understand how to use simple compositional devices.
Authentic Rehearsal
This Y12 student discusses the advantage of rehearsing authentically to prepare for performance.
Y8 Lesson: Pupil Commentary
These pupils describe their experience of a song writing lesson recorded earlier that day. Despite the variance in in...
Setting Expectations
This experienced teacher discusses her approach to setting expectations for her pupils in a Suzuki violin lesson.
Posture - Hold - Technique - Musicality
This experienced string teacher discusses the essential elements of a balanced body for good posture, violin hold and...
Suzuki Method in Schools
This teacher has 35 years’ experience using the 'Suzuki' method and is also a teacher trainer. She discusses her wor...
Suzuki Method - Transferable Pedagogy
This experienced Suzuki teacher discusses her approach to developing advanced string technique.
Transferable Skills
This Head of Music discusses the breadth of transferable skills he observes being developed in his students through m...
Supporting School Performances
This teacher discusses the value of having a visiting team of peripatetic teachers. The support for school performanc...
A Professional Relationship with Students
This teacher discusses her approaches to extracurricular music and the emerging deepening relationships that are form...
Composition: The Role of the Teacher
This teacher discusses the importance of her role in offering feedback, responding to ideas and encouraging students ...
The Whole Child
This Head of Music acknowledges the importance of music for developing the whole child.
Links with Primary Schools
This secondary Head of Music briefly discusses the importance of making links with surrounding primary schools.
Encouraging Student Involvement
This Head of Music discusses her 'open door' approach to the department.
Music in a Multi Faith School
This Head of Music discusses how music has been used to develop the whole school ethos.
Music and the Islamic Faith
This Head of Music discusses her experiences working in a large secondary school.
Formative Assessment
This Head of Music discusses her approach to formative assessment in Music. Pupil self-assessment and the use of iPad...
Music and the Wider Community
This experienced Headteacher outlines a view on performances in the primary school.
A Broad and Balanced Curriculum
An experienced Headteacher in a faith school discusses the facilitating conditions necessary to embed excellent music...
Differentiation by Outcome
Composition and creativity can lead to varying outcomes within the same task.
Listening & Feedback 2
Listening to student compositions is, in itself, a critical skill for teachers to develop.
Listening & Feedback 1
Listening to student compositions is, in itself, a critical skill for teachers to develop.
Questioning for Creativity
In this Y7 composition lesson, the pupils are encouraged to model approaches to the music elements.
Musical Elements Starter 2
Before this composition lesson begins, the class are focused on a starter activity linking musical elements to defini...
The Saxophone Embouchure
In this short clip, the student exhibits a good saxophone embouchure - flattening the bottom lip, teeth on top, with ...
Strategy for Scale Practice
Modern instrumental lessons provide limited capacity to hear, revise and monitor scale practice.
Rhythmic Variation
In this group flute lesson, the girls explore some rhythmic variation to their piece.
Developing Breathing Creatively
In this group flute lesson, the teacher uses a prop to develop the breathing.
Restriction for Freedom
In this Y8 'arranging' lesson, the class teacher offers an 'arranger’s notepad' as a tool to help the groups structur...
Simultaneous Learning
It is often difficult to separate out the component parts of musical learning.
Whiteboards: Assessment for Learning
In this y8 classroom music lesson, the teacher encourages the class to map out ideas for arranging the song "Stand by...
Connecting Physically with Singing
In this Y8 classroom music lesson the teacher takes the class through a series of vocal warm up activities which conn...
Advice for NQT
This experienced teacher discusses her approach to communication with peripatetic staff in a busy department and offe...
Facilitating Creativity
This teacher talks us through her approach to her role in the context of her Y9 composition lesson.
Teaching WCIT
This teacher discusses the pedagogy, content, challenges and solutions of whole class teaching.
The Importance of Ensemble Experience
This experienced Head of Brass discusses his experiences of ensemble playing and motivation.
Difficult Passages
This teacher offers some advice on strategies for approaching difficult technical passages.
Why Perform?
This teacher articulates the benefits of performance and the impact they have on young performers.
Choosing the Instrument
This teacher discusses an approach for students to choose the instrument for them.
Developing Musical Context
Specialist instrumental teachers demonstrate detailed knowledge of the instrument they play.
Developing Accurate Buzzing
In this advanced trumpet lesson, the teacher takes the student through a warm up which will be later linked to the ma...
Modelling the Music
In this intermediate clarinet lesson, the teacher models her musical expectations by performing to the student.
Engaging Boys in Singing
These Whole Class Instrumental Teachers have brought all three year groups to the hall for a larger singing lesson.
KS2 Part Singing
These Whole Class Instrumental Teachers have brought all three year groups to the hall for a larger singing lesson.
When Confidence Grows…
This gospel medley includes When the Saints, Swing Low Sweet Chariot and Sing Sing Sing. This is explored at a differ...
Extending Range
After working on these partner songs, this experienced vocal teacher uses simple key change to migrate the pitch upwa...
Differentiation 2
Using When the Saints Go Marching In, this experienced vocal teacher takes the group into part singing with different...
Differentiation 1
Using When the Saints Go Marching In, this experienced vocal teacher takes the group into part singing with different...
Developing Quality in Group Singing
This vocal teacher listens forensically to the students singing.
Behaviour Management
Music, as a subject based in sound, requires teachers to have strategies for managing behaviour including starting/st...
Scaffolding Composition
The periodic direction from the class teacher helps to scaffold this composition lesson so that the class are focused...
Assessing a Creative Process
The current lead Ofsted HMI for Music, Robin Hammerton writes: "Firstly, pupils’ progress in creating and understandi...
Technology & Composition
This teacher utilises the capabilities of Logic for this Y8 composition lesson.
Listening & The Teacher's Role
This teacher is actively involved in the listening activity. Clear questions have been articulated before the example...
Focused Listening
This classroom practitioner uses Saint Saen’s Carnival of the animals to scaffold a composition lesson.
Musical Elements Starter
This classroom practitioner uses whiteboards to recap the musical elements.
Building Confidence and Participation
This classroom practitioner is in the early stages of building a school choir.
Choir Warm Up: Articulation
This classroom practitioner develops the choir warm up further into articulation.
Choir Warm Up: Me Moo Ma
This classroom practitioner has developed a large school choir in a diverse school.
Rhythm Cards
Rhythm cards are a useful starter activity for many aspects of teaching. In this example, the teacher uses an ipad to...
Stages to Learning
In this group brass lesson the teacher uses a backing track on a repeated cycle to stage the preparation for performa...
Clear Instructions
Working with larger groups can unveil some simple problems in the pedagogy of how to approach giving instructions.
Extended Rhythm game
See Rhythm Game for the first stage of this learning game. In this short clip the teacher extends the level of challe...
Rhythm Game
This Rhythm game is an excellent assessment for learning tool. The teacher can see visually if the class are beginnin...
Understanding Duration
This teacher questions the class on note lengths relative to the piece they have just played.
Creative Singing
Singing in whole class teaching offers everyone the chance to engage in the lesson.
Choice and Musicality
In this lesson the teacher offers the children a opportunity to suggest their own musical interpretation for performa...
Aural and Notation
The musical learning in this example explores a mix of aural and notation based strategies to ensure every child can ...
WCIT and the Curriculum
Whole class teaching, when taught well, includes a variety of activity and opportunity to develop and discover musica...
Preparing for Down Time
In this example the instrumental specialist teacher must tune 30 instruments.
Whole Class Set Up: Guitar
Whole class teaching is a partnership between the school and the visiting music teachers.
Language Acquisition
In this short extract from a music lesson the teacher explores singing with a traditional African song.
Articulation with Charanga
In this video the teacher uses the charanga musical school resource to explore articulation on the clarinet.
Feedback During Rehearsal
In this lesson, Year 12 Btec students receive feedback and direction from their teacher.
Preparation for Performance Btec
In this lesson, Year 12 Btec students rehearse for their upcoming performance assessment.
Plenary for Self-Assessment
The plenary in this Year 9 lesson encourages the students to assess themselves in 2 clear areas.
Peer Learning Y9
After working in groups, this Year 9 group return mid lesson to explain the reasoning behind their musical choices.
Authentic Song Writing 2
In this y9 lesson the class are working in groups to write a song from the stimulus 'Orange'.
Authentic Song Writing 1
In this Year 9 lesson the class are working in groups to write a song from the stimulus 'Orange'.
Stimulus for Song Writing
In this y9 lesson the teacher uses questioning and clear prompts to help scaffold and collate ideas for a composition...
Behaviour Management
In this Djembe class lesson, the teacher offers the use of independent practice time for the class to explore solo rh...
Introducing the Djembe
In this Year 7 djembe lesson, the teacher explores polyrhythm using Djembe drums.
Djembe Performance
In this lesson the teacher has worked with the class in sections to devise a structured Djembe performance.
In this year 7 lesson, the teacher explores polyrhythms through Djembe drums. Polyrhythms offer an inclusive way for ...
Students Model BPM
In this Y7 lesson, students lead the class through performance activity linked to understanding tempi and beats per m...
Classroom Assessment Method
This teacher's assessment model is measured in statements constructed with the beginning "I can". The approach is to ...