Video library
Choice and Musicality
In this lesson the teacher offers the children a opportunity to suggest their own musical interpretation for performa...
Aural and Notation
The musical learning in this example explores a mix of aural and notation based strategies to ensure every child can ...
Performance: Whole Class Guitar
This clip demonstrates the possible outcomes from a Year 4 guitar group.
Listen and Copy
In this WCIT Year 4 guitar lesson, the teacher uses simple listen and copy to warm up the finger technique prior to p...
Developing Part Playing
This teacher explores body percussion in parts to secure understanding of the rhythmic elements and to internalise th...
Linking Activities for Learning
Prior to learning the piece of guitar music the class will study, this teacher leads a body percussion piece that inc...
WCIT and the Curriculum
Whole class teaching, when taught well, includes a variety of activity and opportunity to develop and discover musica...
Preparing for Down Time
In this example the instrumental specialist teacher must tune 30 instruments.
Whole Class Set Up: Guitar
Whole class teaching is a partnership between the school and the visiting music teachers.
Language Acquisition
In this short extract from a music lesson the teacher explores singing with a traditional African song.
Using Charanga Musically
The charanga musical school resource offers great choice in repertoire but must always be supported with specialist k...
Articulation with Charanga
In this video the teacher uses the charanga musical school resource to explore articulation on the clarinet.
Feedback During Rehearsal
In this lesson, Year 12 Btec students receive feedback and direction from their teacher.
Preparation for Performance Btec
In this lesson, Year 12 Btec students rehearse for their upcoming performance assessment.
Plenary for Self-Assessment
The plenary in this Year 9 lesson encourages the students to assess themselves in 2 clear areas.
Peer Learning Y9
After working in groups, this Year 9 group return mid lesson to explain the reasoning behind their musical choices.
Authentic Song Writing 2
In this y9 lesson the class are working in groups to write a song from the stimulus 'Orange'.
Authentic Song Writing 1
In this Year 9 lesson the class are working in groups to write a song from the stimulus 'Orange'.
Stimulus for Song Writing
In this y9 lesson the teacher uses questioning and clear prompts to help scaffold and collate ideas for a composition...
Repertoire Choice
In this flute lesson the teacher begins to work on slurred articulation detail in the music.
Linking Warm Ups
In this flute lesson, the teacher uses a scale linked to the key of the piece the student will study in the main body...
Behaviour Management
In this Djembe class lesson, the teacher offers the use of independent practice time for the class to explore solo rh...