Video library
Characteristics of Effective Learning
This teacher talks about the characteristics, playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critic...
What is the place of rote learning
Mick Waters considers the place of rote learning in education and its strengths and limitations.
Knowing where they are going
Patricia Broadfoot discusses the importance of setting learning objectives.
Seeing the whole child as a learner
Why don't we assess across a broad curriculum and acknowledge that learning is complex and uneven?
Continuity in children's learning - laying the crazy paving
What is the starting point in planning learning?
Learning from mistakes
Less focussed on outcomes than process, this teacher believes that learning from mistakes helps to build resilience a...
Governors, finance and music service provision
Governors appreciate what children achieve and are prepared to finance.
Context for working with a music service
Providing opportunities to learn music and visit professional music concerts.
Liaison between music lead and visiting teachers
Half termly, the music lead should meet with visiting teachers evolving plans
OFSTED, the 2019 framework and music
Opportunities are offered by the framework to include music in your intent.
Music hubs and their wider offer
Engaging with a music hub enables music opportunities in & beyond school
Music provision and primary school finance
The financial implication especially as class teachers join in.
Headteachers and music services
Effective specialists enrich provision, heads should monitor delivery.
Music service input assists the gifted and talented
Identifying those with an aptitude and providing suitable support.
Music service input to educate the whole child
Music benefits diverse needs, those vulnerable and low with self-esteem.
Music service input creating wider opportunities
Promoting opportunities to perform in school and beyond.
OFSTED, Deep Dives and Music.
Ensuring children understand their learning in Music with watertight links.
Intent, a curriculum map suitable for OFSTED
The whole curriculum needs to be respected. Intent for Music.