31 videos

Language Acquisition

In this short extract from a music lesson the teacher explores singing with a traditional African song.

Listen & Appraise Starter

Encouraging listening children identify instruments in Baroque style piece.

Peter & The Wolf. Instruments use

Linking instruments and characters.

KS2 Part Singing

These Whole Class Instrumental Teachers have brought all three year groups to the hall for a larger singing lesson.

Listen & Appraise Starter Develops

Listening to an organ piece, children recap their knowledge of tempo.

Performing rhythmic motifs

Chime bars are used to perform rhythms created from food names.

Generating rhythmic motifs

Using food names, children improvise rhythms.

Whiteboards: Assessment for Learning

In this y8 classroom music lesson, the teacher encourages the class to map out ideas for arranging the song "Stand by...

Vocal Starters. Have you brought your voice?

Children are encouraged to respond to a question in contrasting voices.

Vocal Starters. 'Have you brought' commentary

Vocal specialist explains the rationale behind 'Have you brought your voice?

Vocal Starters. 'Old King Kong' commentary

Vocal specialist explains rationale behind using this expressive song

Vocal Starters. 'Three Bears' Commentary.

Vocal specialist explains this song can be taught effectively to all ages.

EYFS: Nursery rhymes & actions

I'm a little teapot and the 'ABC' song, pulse and actions.

EYFS: Commentary

Teacher reflection on first steps in EYFS music.

Y4 whole class brass, video explains loud and soft

Looking at loud and quiet, long and short notes.

Vocal Starters. 'My Name is Joe'

Listening and joining in to a catch-on song with increasing complexity.

Vocal Starters. 'Old King Kong'

Encouraging participation requiring strong vocal line from children.

Vocal Starters. 'Give Me Five'

Children respond to teacher actions like 'Give Me 5', Give Me 10, Low 10...

A vocal specialist on teaching vocal starters

Vocal specialist makes the case for teaching vocal starters.

EYFS: The Name Game

Children respond to the name song, singing their own name to the backing.

Y4 whole class brass, warm up

Using Charanga, class warm-up buzz, put their mouthpiece in play.

Vocal Starters. 'Give Me Five' commentary

Vocal specialist explains rationale behind 'Give Me 5' vocal starter.

Vocal Starters. 'My Name is Joe' commentary

Vocal specialist explains rationale behind this kinaesthetic vocal starter.

Vocal Starters. 'Three Bears' complete song.

Forensic look at the detail of teaching a role song.

Y4 whole class brass, set up

Set up and introduction establishes clear expectations and routines.

Y4 whole class brass, exploring different dynamics

Playing 'piano' and 'forte'. Crescendo is played too.

Y4 whole class brass develop their performance ...

Managing a mini plenary, homework and packing instruments away.

Y4 sing 'Three Little Birds' for dynamic plenary

Singing at end of brass lesson to internalise piano and forte.

Y5 introduction emphasising reading music

Using a simple tune, these young players concentrate on reading the music.

Y5 managing progress with practice diaries

Completing a successful lesson, diaries are filled in.

What is the place of rote learning

Mick Waters considers the place of rote learning in education and its strengths and limitations.