16 videos
Whole Class Set Up: Guitar
Whole class teaching is a partnership between the school and the visiting music teachers.
Preparing for Down Time
In this example the instrumental specialist teacher must tune 30 instruments.
Rhythm Cards
Rhythm cards are a useful starter activity for many aspects of teaching. In this example, the teacher uses an ipad to...
Choir Warm Up: Me Moo Ma
This classroom practitioner has developed a large school choir in a diverse school.
Choir Warm Up: Articulation
This classroom practitioner develops the choir warm up further into articulation.
Building Confidence and Participation
This classroom practitioner is in the early stages of building a school choir.
Musical Elements Starter
This classroom practitioner uses whiteboards to recap the musical elements.
Focused Listening
This classroom practitioner uses Saint Saen’s Carnival of the animals to scaffold a composition lesson.
Connecting Physically with Singing
In this Y8 classroom music lesson the teacher takes the class through a series of vocal warm up activities which conn...
Developing Violin Staccato
In this advanced group violin lesson, the students are taken through a series of tasks and activities to develop the ...
Effective string crossing
In this advanced group violin lesson, the teacher breaks the difficulty of 'string crossing' into smaller component p...
Developing Technique Creatively
This experienced string teacher uses a variety of creative games and props to explore advanced flexible wrist and fin...